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Symposium: ABCD 3.0: Which Way to Go?

Location: TDWG Conference 2014, Jönköping, Sweden

Date: 29 October 2014 (9-10:30 am)


1. BioCASe, ABCD and its extensions [Joerg Holetschek]

2. A community platform for the development and documentation of the ABCD standard [Jana Hoffmann]

3. Semantic MediaWiki as a potential tool for ABCD 3.0 development [David Fichtmüller]

4. Using the Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit in Special Interest Networks [Patricia Kelbert, Gabriele Droege, Jörg Holetschek, Anton Güntsch]

5. Discussion [Joerg Holetschek, Gabriele Dröge]